The Social Security disability appeals and Social Security disability court hearing process begins after the denial of an initial or/and reconsideration claim. Social Security disability appeals requests including request for hearing must be filed within 60 days after Social Security notifies the claimant of its decision. The request for Social Security hearing can be filed for Title II Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability or both. The Social Security hearing will be conducted by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who had no part in the initial decision or the reconsideration of the case. At a Social Security hearing, you will have the opportunity to tell your story to an ALJ. The ALJ will question you and any witnesses you bring. Other witnesses, such as medical or vocational experts, also may be present. Typically, social security disability hearings are fairly short and can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour. We do not recommend you to go to a Social Security hearing without a representative. With knowledge and understanding of Social Security law, a representative can look at your case and determine why you were denied initially and make your Social Security hearing case stronger so that you can prevail at the hearing. A disability specialist can determine if all the medical evidence that is relevant and helpful to your Social Security hearing case is in your Social Security hearing file and if there is evidence that is not in your file, your representative will help you obtain this evidence. A representative analyzes all the information in your file and presents a theory of your case as to why you are disabled according to SSA rules. Social Security disability representatives have the experience to know how to cross examine experts at the hearing to help you succeed in receiving benefits.
11500 West Olympic Blvd #400
Los Angeles CA 90064
Call or Text: (310) 867-1229 or (310) 420-3505